Interdisciplinary focus for the control of mycotoxins in livestock production
This event has as a goal to describe the interdisciplinary focus to have available ways to handle the contamination by mycotoxins in grains and raw materials for livestock production. We are looking to expose the characteristics of the line of KLIN-SIL products and the technical support services.
The video is only in Spanish available.
The main topics will be:
- Mycotoxins
- Alternatives to handle mycotoxins.
- KLIN-SIL products
- Technical Support Services
Dr. César Mateo Flores (UNAM)
Dr. César Mateo Flores is a biologist from UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) with a master degree on Chemical Sciences and a doctorate on Biological Sciences. Dr. Flores is a teacher in Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala de la UNAM and an active member of SIstema Nacional de Investigadores (National Investigators System).
Nowadays he is the responsible of the Vegetal physiology lab and co-responsible in the biochemical lab in the biotechnology and prototypes unit at FESI UNAM. He is also responsible of the Spectrometry of Mases area at Laboratorio Nacional en Salud de la FES Iztacala. Additionally he has participated as a Proficient in Chemical Matter at Tribunal Federal de Justicia Fiscal y Administrativa.
Dr Flores is the author of 73 published scientifical notes, 58 of them in important scientific magazines. He is also the author of 5 chapters in specialized books and an author of 2 chemical books and 1 about the conservation of seeds.
Dr. Flores develops the investigation of mycotoxins lines collaboration with Helm de México in the Convenio Institucional de servicios instrumentales y Apoyo Técnico.